Al-Mustasfa min 'ilm al-usul. (On Legal theory of Muslim Jurisprudence) - (المستصفى من علم الأصول)

By Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (450-505 AH)

A celebrated work of al-Ghazali on Usul al-Fiqh is considered one of four works that all isul work revolve around and they are: 1. The mu`tazalite `Abd al-Jabar (d. 415) al-Qadi's al-`umad; 2. abu al-Husain (d. 473) al-Basri's al-mu`tamad (commentary on al-`umad); 3. al-Imam al-Harmian abu al-Ma`ali (d. 478) Juywani's al-Burhan and 4. this book.

Arabic Editions

English Translations
