اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
فاذ كرونى اذكركم واشكروالى ولا تكفرون
الہی انت مقصودى و رضاك مطلوبى
"My Lord, you are my destination and your contentment is my goal."
Hasbee Rabbi JalAllah - حسبى ربى جل الله
My Rab (Lord, Sustainer), the Majestic Allah is enough for me
Maa fee Qalbee Ghair Allah - ما فى قلبى غير الله
There is none besides Allah in my Heart
Haq Allah Maujood Allah - حق الله موجود الله
Allah is Truth and He is Present
Noor-e-Muhammad SalAllah - نور محمد صلى الله
Blessings of Allah be upon the Light of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Laa Matlooba illa Llah - لا مطلوب الا الله
I seek none except Allah
Laa Maqsooda illa Llah - لا مقصود الا الله
There is no objective in my life except Allah (pleasure, closeness etc.)
Laa MashHooda illa Llah - لا مشهود الا الله
All things are manifestations of none other than Allah
Laa Masjooda illa Llah - لا مسجود الا الله
There is none worthy of worship except Allah
Laa Ma'abooda illa Llah - لا معبود الا الله
There is no Lord except Allah
La ilaha illa Llah - لا اله الا الله
There is no God But Allah
Muhammadur Rasulullah - محمد رسول الله
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is the (Last And Final Prophet And) Messenger Of Allah