Belongings of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) safely preserved in Topkapy Museum, Turkey
Various belongings of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) safely preserved in Topkapy Museum, Turkey
The Seal of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in TopKapy Museum in Turkey
The seal of Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) used to impress his seal at the end of his letters.
Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) turban, blanket and stick for walk (Topkapy Museum, Turkey)
Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) waist-coat in Topkapy museum
These are the swords of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Topkapy museum
These are the swords of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Topkapy museum
In Topkapy museum, Turkey, this box contains the soil from the Qabr-e-Anwar (grave) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
This bottle contains the sand from the Qabr-e-Anwar (grave) of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) letter to Musailma bin Kazzab (Topkapy Museum, Turkey)
The hair of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) safely saved in Topkapy Museum, Turkey
The footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) (Peace be upon him) inside Maqam-e-Ibrahim