Haq Numaey Noor-ul-Huda (Kalan)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book pages : 248
Brief Introduction :
This is translation by Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammed Sarwari Qadri (ra). The importance and completeness of the Kalma Tayaba has been mentioned. It has also been emphasized that the Kalma Tayyaba should not be recited for worldly attainments, but it should recited for reaching Allah. Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammed Sarwari Qadri (ra) has also provided his views in the form of commentary which makes it a lot more easier for the readers to comprehend the difficult topics. The spiritual eminence of the Qadri order is also explained. All the orders of Sufism directly or indirectly get their share of spiritual wealth from most celebrated king of spirituality Ghous-e-Pak Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra).